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Supporting the Local Community Through In-House Winemaking

In 2010, we established a research institute and pilot farm at the foot of the Shirakami Mountains, a World Natural Heritage site in Fujisato Town, Akita Prefecture. Two years later, we began purchasing Wild Sauvignon (a hybrid of Wild grape and Cabernet Sauvignon) from Fujisato Town in order to study potential skincare benefits. Since 2018, we have cultivated these grapes for cosmetic raw material research.

Shirakami Vineyard & Winery

In 2021, our research institute expanded to include the new ALBION Shirakami Vineyard & Winery. It is there that we manufacture and cultivate in-house plant extracts from sources such as seeds, fruit skins, and fruit stems. We make wine from residual fruit juice. Additionally, we conduct extensive research on plant extraction, fermentation, and cultivation technology. In regards to fermentation, we believe that research developed from wine brewing technology will enable the development of unprecedented raw materials.

Shirakami Wine

Since 1990, Shirakami Wine has been cultivated and produced in Fujisato Town. However, due to changes in wine labeling standards, it was no longer possible to label it as "Shirakami Mountains Wine" so production had to be suspended after 2018. In order to revive this special wine, we created a new Shirakami Mountains Wine where everything is produced locally—from the cultivation of raw materials to winemaking. This renewal plan was created to support regional revitalization. 

ALBION and Fujisato Town

We are pleased to announce that Fujisato Town has entrusted us with the brewing of "Shirakami Mountains Wine”. We have and will continue to cherish this unique partnership. We greatly appreciate that we can contribute to the people of Fujisato Town by supporting the renewal of "Shirakami Mountains Wine". We are committed to keeping our business ventures and practices rooted in local communities. 

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